Overview Statement

Dear Team Prescott:

Thank you for being willing to help in the development of the City’s new mission statement! If you think of the vision the Council establishes as our destination, or the best version of ourselves, then our mission statement clarifies our role, as the City, in reaching that vision. Knowing where we are headed and our role in getting there then informs all of the other decisions we make.

The Council and department heads have drafted four possible mission statements. We want to know what resonates with you as City of Prescott employees. Let us know which one you like best, what you like in the statements, what you don’t like, and any other thoughts, feelings, or ideas.

Thank you for whatever you are willing to share. The results will be used to select a statement that will be presented to the Council in March or April.

My best,


Dallin Kimble

Dallin Kimble

City Manager